- Glowing collection of books in the department library
- Around 500 specimens in the department museum
- Separate research chamber for research scholars
- ICT Enabled teaching methods.
- Well equipped virtual lab
- Demonstration with Charts, Preserved Specimens, Stuffed animals, Slides
- Power point presentation
- Subject Videos and animated videos
- Google class rooms
- Field based studies
- Special lectures and demos given by subject experts
- Hands on training during practical session
- Modernized environmental quality parameters analyzing equipments
- Well designed national level curriculum.
- Curriculum focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development.
- Recently emerging zoology fields were included in our syllabi like Bioinformatics and cyber security, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology.
- Curriculum oriented filed visits for students.
- Head of Department, who leads from the front (dedicated, energetic, active in both research and teaching)
- Strong commitment to teaching.
- Record of attracting funding agencies for national conferences, workshops.
- All faculty members are active in research.
- Breadth of disciplines currently covered for teaching, morale in the faculty and students have enhanced.
- Wide range of skills, positive attitude, flexibility of teaching staff.
- Ability of the faculty members to work together, in a flexible manner.
- Ornamental fish culture
- Field study of Grizzled Giant Squirrel
- Production of Organic Fertilizer from Solid Waste
- Mushroom culture
- To motivate our students to participate campus interviews.
- The medical coding/ medical transcription offer placement opportunities for under graduate students.
- New appointments like organic forming- vermi compost, organic silk production, organic honey production techniques will be made for young zoologists.
- Self employment – edible and ornamental fish culture.
- Willingness to take on board the challenge of Quality assurance/Quality Improvement process.
- Students are motivated to participate and made presentations in conferences, seminars, symposium, workshops and wildlife census programmes.
- The current syllabi for Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) zoology part is fully covered the present B. Sc., curriculum which offers the potential possibilities for passing zoology related examinations.
- Final year students are involved in mini projects in applied aspects.
- Vermicomposting techniques
- Preparation of honey comb
- Bee keeping and honey harvesting techniques
- Aquarium maintenance techniques
- Fish feed preparation techniques
- Edible fish recipe preparations
- Manure preparation from fish waste
- Silkworm rearing techniques
- Silk reeling techniques
- Blood and urine analysis
- Duck farming
- Goat farming
- Aquaculture
- Dairy farming
- Poultry farming
- Piggery
- Habit and habitat of black headed Ibis