- The Postgraduate department of English encourages the students to speak only in English. The implementation of this practice enables the students to develop fluency gradually.
- The department inculcates the habit of reading in the students. They realize that the reading experience is one of the life’s greatest pleasures that open the door to cultures, knowledge and independence. This practice also seeds in them the thought that books have tremendous influence on perception, socialization and transformation of the person. The students are also encouraged to take up research writing.
- The students attend seminars and conferences where they connect with academic personalities. The choice of resource person for guest lecture programs conducted by the department is given to the students very often.
- With the permission of the management, the staff of the department regularly updates the reading resources in the main library of the college. This helps the PG and Research Scholars to explore literature.
- IV-Library Visit (places of academic importance) – Students are encouraged to list their choice of libraries for yearly visit. Several visits have been successfully undertaken and have proved to be very productive.
- The Thespian club – the department encourages the students to participate and explore the diversity of theatre and its intersection with community, culture and society. This practice helps the students to showcase their various talents in acting, directing, designing, writing, etc. and hence, the students develop physical and imaginative skills to express a broad spectrum of dramatic material.
- One of the key features of the department is its Book Talk Forum. It creates a platform for teachers and students for discussions on books and literature related news.
- The students and teachers of the department contribute literary news to the news board through The News Pick Club of the department, and it is elaborately discussed in the classroom.